Sunday, May 18, 2008

You May Borrow That

Hadleigh has been slowly easing us into the twos. Recently she has been in the habit of using the word "mine". The ultimate word of a two year old along with no. Up until a week ago she was always using "no" in a proper way and not in an act of defiance. Recently I have found myself saying "You don't tell Mama no" a LOT.

Dave has had a funny response to the "mine" word. Today I heard Dave say, "That is not your towel that is Dada's towel, but you may borrow it." I laughed out loud. That isn't the first time he has said that, he actually has been saying a lot (everytime she uses the word mine).

So, those two sentences "don't tell Mama no" and "you may borrow it" have been uttered a lot and I think will continue to be uttered a lot in our home.

Onto other news we had a wonderful time at the zoo on Friday, and tomorrow we begin Potty Boot Camp, so you can say a prayer for us! Annelise is still doing well with her sleep, though waking up around 5 to start the day. It is hard to get up that early, but we are all managing.

I feel like recently I have just been succeeding to keep my hear above water, let alone think about anything deep and meaningful. That is not entirely true, but close. Here is a quick attempt. I might write more about this later, but this is a quote that was in our reflections this morning at church. It summarizes some of the things I have been thinking on recently.

The Christian view of sin is radical, but not pessimistic because to see sin in
the Christian terms is to see that sin can be forgiven. That really is freedom. That really is amazing grace. That means that we can face our problems squarely. That means we can confess the darkest, most humiliating things of our lives
without despair and paralysis. . . . The biblical message to us is, “I do know you. I know you far better than you know yourself. And you’re in worse shape than you even realize. . . . And the Good News is that because of the price God was willing to pay we can be forgiven and reconciled back to God. But to experience and benefit from the cure we must turn to Him and quit pretending there is nothing wrong with us.

Rebecca Manley Pippert, Hope Has Its Reasons

1 comment:

Christy said...

I hope the first day of boot camp potty style is going well! I've decided to hold off until after our big dude ranch escapade. I was afraid asking a newly trained toddler to sit on a 5-hour plane flight, then a 4 hour caravan drive might be pushing it. :-)

Love HC's pig tales!

And I also was moved by this week's Reflections section. Though a woman wrote it, so there's probably some heresy in there somewhere ...