Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Potty Boot Camp, Day 2

Again, no one died today...a good day.

This morning when I took off her diaper she was so sad. She kept saying, "Diaper? Diaper? No panties." I had to explain to her multiple times that she is a big girl now, and big girls go peepee in the potty. HC had one accident this morning...I swear she is like a puppy! She got all excited when the trash truck came driving by and lost it. This time when I made her clean it up she said, "yucky" so that is progress (yesterday she just happily wiped it up). I also threw her in the tub and rinsed her down with cold water. She did not like that too much. She did great the rest of the day. She even pooped in the potty, and initiated going potty 3 times on her own.

I think we are making progress, though I will say the whole thing is rather painful. Annelise was better today, thankfully! But I am trying to keep her on the hard woods, and she SO wants to watch Sesame Street, but the TV room is carpeted. And today she was asking to go somewhere, and believe me, I want to go somewhere too! Tonight I even ventured out in the tornado just to leave the house.

Hoping for the best for tomorrow and cannot wait until this is over!


Brea said...

Today at playgroup, we were wondering how things were going for you. Glad to hear an update! Sounds like good progress! I'm very impressed.

Brennan topped off playgroup today by falling down some stairs and conking his head really hard on the concrete...hopefully it wasn't karma for slamming Sadie's finger in the door last week. :) And hopefully serious injuries aren't going to be a weekly playgroup occurrence.

Stay the course, my friend. It sounds like you're headed for a fully potty-trained girl very soon!

Cristin said...

It sounds like things are going well. I hope she just keeps getting better at it! :)