Monday, September 24, 2007

A Girl Named Fred

When I was prego with Hadleigh, my friend Jess decided she wanted to guess the name. I promised her that if she guessed correctly I would tell her. She had some decent guesses, Abigail and Madeline, but she was WAY off. This time she hasn't guessed at all, even though last week at community group Dave said he would give anyone $100 if they guessed the name correctly. I guess we are pretty confidant in our selection.

So, through a series of events Jessica publicly proclaimed our little girl's name- Fredericka Shoba. ANd now I have heard there is a song about being in love with a girl named Fred. So it seem fitting that for the last few weeks in utero to call our little girl Fred.

I totally freaked at my doctors visit last week because they said I was 35 weeks. OK, I knew this, but still when someone says it outloud, it is like...HOLY CRAP...this baby is coming soon! I have felt that state of shock for a few days now.

Friday we set-up Hadleigh and Fred's room. At least the furniture is rearranged and the second crib is up. It is hard to get everything to fit in a room...two cribs, changing table, dresser, etc. I think we came up with an arrangement that will do.

Saturday Dave's parents came down for a visit which was SO fun, but I was feeling so tired and uncomfortable. Yesterday I started getting concerned and sat down to think about what I was actually feeling. Then I realized, Fred had dropped! I was able to do a little more research to find out, yes indeed, the things I was feeling lined up with the baby dropping. I can breath better, which is a treat, but yesterday she felt so low I literally thought she is going to drop out of me! I didn't have this kind of pressure with Hadleigh. Right before bed last night, I blew my nose and I decided I better blow my nose lying down because I was sure she was going to come flying out!

So, anyway, dropping doesn't mean could mean we are close, or it could mean we are still 5 weeks away. But I really hope I don't have to be this uncomfortable for the next 5 weeks. I am open to other advice on the dropping thing, because I really can't spend the next several weeks blowing my nose in a horizontal position.


Joe Stone said...

Will dropped very early, but it was painful for me because my pelvis was too small to deliever him and he was resting on bone (I had c-sections with both of my kids). I never was lucky enough to experience Lauren dropping - she was born a week early by c-section. I do know that they can't come out until you dilate and efface. So, as long as you're still closed, you should be fine.

Brea said...

Oh, the joys of late pregnancy. The picture of you blowing your nose lying down made me laugh...not at you...with you. Thankfully no woman has ever been pregnant forever, so no matter what, you will one day be blowing your nose vertical again.

jessrings said...

I'm so excited that Fred is famous. Obviously I have no other advice for you at this point. Except, check your crib folks.

Jessica | for | Capture Photography said...

AH, i LOVE it.....Fred it is! Baby Flynn has now been named HooHaw for the moment.....the general consensus says that we need to find a new name.... :)

Bryan and Tammy said...

We finally have our computer up and running in our new place. I have missed your blog! It was great to catch up with your growing fam. Look forward to hearing more about Fred!