Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Couple More Things about Hadleigh Claire

Yesterday we went to the doc for her 15 month appt. HC was a champ the whole visit and again did not even cry when she received her shot. She now weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches long. She is just above 25% for both height and weight.

I was hoping that our doctor would not be concerned about the fact that Hadleigh is not walking yet. And I was thrilled when he told me that it was not a big deal. I feel like she is almost walking anyway, so why be worried?

After Hadleigh's nap she started playing with her little walker toy. She has been playing with it more and more and walks behind it well. The main problem is that she will stop walking when she runs into the couch or table. Yesterday she started walking around the house, which of course is rather small. Through the living room, into the hall, through the library, into the kitchen and back into the living room. Just one big circle. When she ran into objects she just picked up the walker a bit and kept going. She was even able to manage the lips of tile to carpet and carpet to hardwoods. The lip from hardwoods to tile gives her a little problem. She did flip over her walker once, but after I picked her up, she continued on her way. So, it seems that my life is about to change forever. I am crossing the threshold from baby to toddler.


Brea said...

Way to go, HC! Brennan hasn't figured out how to steer the walking toy yet. He just cries for help when he runs into things. Sounds like she's getting very close!

jessrings said...

I love that second pic. It looks like she's trying so hard and is like pushing a mountain.