Sunday, August 19, 2007

Playgroup Implodes

I do not even know if implodes is the right word, but it just sounds so cool so I had to use it!

I have been looking forward to the fall for a million different reasons. The fall is the most wonderful season. My birthday is in the fall. My anniversary is in the fall. My second daughter will be born in the fall. It is a nice feeling to get past the middle of September and to be able to walk outside and not be instantly out of breath because of the heat and humidity. Our first summer back in Hotlanta sure has been one to remember. I swear I cannot be outside unless I am in the pool. Even walking from my door to the car gets me out of breath.

So, besides leaving the humidity behind I have been looking forward to life becoming a bit more scheduled again. This morning I signed up for a morning Bible Studay and I am all excited because there was a new study added at the last minute, and it is a study of Deuteronomy. Yes! Studies that just go through a book (as opposed to studying a book of the Bible) sometimes make me weary. So I am totally pumped about the new study that will start in just a couple weeks.

Last week I was able to register Hadleigh for a morning class one day a week. I am so thrilled about that, and think that it will be helpful once the little one comes especially. In the mean time I am planning on using my first morning free to get my hair cut!

So, about the playgroup...the class that I wanted to sign Hadleigh up for was on the same day as the playgroup. I thought if folks did not mind switching days we could swap and that would work out well for us. I thought I had heard from everyone and all was well with the switch. Alas, I was mistaken.

We will see what happens...I might be able to round-up a couple lost souls who have no group. Or we might jump in and take a quick class before the little one comes. Who knows.

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