Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Scots Confession

I had been reading this book on creeds and confessions that was very interesting, but I actually put it down a couple months ago. I picked it up again this week and have enjoyed reading it again.

I just finished the section on John Knox and the Scots Confession of 1560. My bro, Chris, will find it interesting to note that most of the reformers (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli) viewed two essential marks of the true visible church, if the Word of God is truly preached and the sacraments of Communion and Baptism are rightly administered. This goes back to the article I read on Sola Scriptura...he wanted to know what the true "church" is...

John Knox and the Scottish reformers added a third view which is ecclesiastical discipline. Bam, welcome to the roots of the Presbyterian Church. The Scots Confession was eventually replaced by the Westminster Confession in 1647. I still have to read about the Helvetic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism (which is my personal fav) before I find out more about the Westminster Confession.

1 comment:

Jean Joiner said...

wow...i can't even get through the april issue of real simple. you're pretty amazing with your reading.