Monday, September 11, 2006

He Does All Things Well

Yesterday our Chaplain did it again. He delivered a wonderful gospel-filled sermon. It was beautiful, and just what I needed to hear. His spoke out of Mark 7.31-37 when some friends brought Jesus a man who was deaf and mute. Jesus healed the man and the crowd proclaims “He does all things well.” He focused on this sentence and noted that this can be applied past, present and future. I can look back on my life and see that he does all things well. I can look at my life presently and rejoice that he does all things well and I can trust him that he does all things well in the future. It was such a wonderful reminder to me, as we are in the midst of this huge transition, that I can trust Him. He is faithful. Just as He has provided for me in the past and presently He will provide for me tomorrow, and the next day and next week and next month. It is wonderful to relax in that.

Dave sang a duet during the offeratory, which was wonderful because it was “Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” but it was Indelible Grace’s redone version. One of the lines is “If we tarry ‘til we are better we won’t ever come at all”. The Chaplain tied in the song with his sermon, noting that we cannot do all things well, only He can and if we wait to come to him until we have things under control, or until we have our act together, we won’t ever come to him. Jesus came to save sinners, He came to save me, not because I was so good, but because He is so merciful.

1 comment:

jessrings said...

That is so awesome and definitely encouraging. I can't imagine all that is going through your minds in this big change. But you're right. What amazing hope we have in God!! I saw the Vogt's tonight and I was like did you here the McNay's are coming back and aren't you just like sooo stoked!!! They were stoked. Claire was like, is that that girl that when we came to MTW we through stuff in her cublicle? And I was like..yeah...I'm pretty sure. So we either need to get you a cube again or you need to have her over for dinner asap when you get back.