Thursday, March 19, 2009

Night Two

Last night as Dave and I were climbing in bed I noted one thing for sure: Hadleigh is an extrovert and Annelise is an introvert. Of course I could be wrong, but after the happenings of the last two nights I feel mostly certain.

The girls went into bed at 6 last night, after some worship songs and prayer (I think Annelise loves this part, and was even quiet as we prayed). We encouraged Hadleigh to be quiet, and that did last about 30 minutes. But they were both SO excited to be with each other again last night. The squacking continued until 8, when I went up and put a stop to it. When I went up, Annelise was lying down in bed trying to sleep, and Hadleigh was standing up in bed yelling to Annelise about something. Hadleigh was all wound up and Annelise was exhausted...energized by people...worn out by people. See where I am going with this extro, intro?

Anyway, we only heard some random noises out of them last night, nothing like the night before. And here we are at 7.26 and I just heard some stirring. I need to put the oatmeal on to boil.


Christy said...

I'm an intro, Anneliese. I feel ya, girl friend.

Sounds like overall it's going incredibly well! How cute!

jessrings said...

Stories like this always make me wonder how they do it like in Africa where they have like 4 people to a bed and then like 4 beds in a room? The one time I experienced that WAS NOT a good night.

Anyway, good luck! I'm sure some fun bonding is happening. And maybe you don't have to get up at the crack for the time being.