Monday, July 07, 2008

Miss Hadleigh Claire is 28 Months

Today Miss HC is 2 years and 4 months old. True to her two years her fav word is "no". Even if the answer is really yes, she says no. This has made me a lot more creative when I ask questions or want her to do things. For example, I do not ask her if she has to use the potty, I just say, "let's go potty!" As if going potty is some kind of game...but it usually works. On the potty topic she is doing well with the potty training. Last week we had a couple of issues, but we have rebounded and are back on the right track. Last Saturday and Sunday she went potty in her car seat. Saturday I thought it was partly my fault, but after washing her seat cover (which can only be removed from her carseat by using a screw driver) I put it back together Sunday morning before church. Dave was upstairs holding Annelise so she would take a nap, and as I was gathering things for church, making snacks and getting bags together Hadleigh was sitting in her carseat. She LOVES sitting in her carseat, so I did not think it odd. As it neared time to leave the house I ran upstairs, dressed Annelise, put her in her carseat and in the car. I came back inside to grab Hadleigh and her carseat and when I grabbed her I noticed she was wet. For real? I was so angry! New outfit for Miss HC, and Dave threw in our bigger carseat. We managed to make it to church almost on time...though I was in a foul mood. Ever since then we have been doing well. THis past weekend we drove up to Knoxville to visit Dave's fam, and she did fabulous on the trip (which is about a 4 hour drive) telling us when we needed to stop.

Hadleigh is now quite a singer. She is amazing. She sings in the correct key, can hum, sing the words, and also clap in rhythm. I am wondering if Dave's musical genes have been passed down to her. Now I have dreams of getting a piano! That is a bit down the road...our first furniture purchases need to be a dresser and a we will see what develops in the future. In the meantime we will continue singing accapella with her, or maybe I should break out my guitar with her.

While the little miss might be a future concert pianist I am not so sure if the Olympics will ever be a consideration. Coordination is not her middle name...and she has me to thank for that. She is getting better at running, but is reasonably clumsy. It is cute and makes us laugh to see her run sideways into a wall or door. Poor thing! Though on land sports might be out, she is doing really well with her swimming. She will now jump (without holding our hands) into the pool, and likes to "swim" from person to person. She will put her face in the water and blow bubbles, and kick.

Hadleigh is a little girl on the go. As soon as she wakes up she is asking about going somewhere. Most often she is asking to go to the pool or to see her friends Jacob, Brennan or Sadie. She gets SO excited when she sees any of her buddies.

The little miss isn't the most verbal girl, but she is slowly getting there. One of our most fav things to do recently with her growing verbal skills is to pray before she goes to bed. We have always prayed with her, but now she likes to pray too. After I pray for her and Annelise, we pray for our family. She loves saying everyones names, and often remembers people on her own (like her cousins). After we pray for our family she asks to pray for her little girl friends, and she will go through all of her buddies and say them by name. Sometimes she needs a little prompting of names. After praying for her little girl friends we pray for her big girl friends (and she just repeats all of the names), so we pray for all of the folks in our community group, and a few other folks that Miss loves. Our final prayer is for our friends in Iraq. We always pray for Wes, Seith, Alex and Ricky, and then any others that come to mind. Praying with Hadleigh is one of my favorite things to do in the day. It is fun to pray so specifically for people by name. When we were in Baumholder and the guys were deployed Dave and I would pray every night for them. It was such a wonderful discipline, and a way to stand with our friends who were missing their husbands. I am glad Hadleigh and I are able to do that in such a special way now.

That is about all I have to say about Miss HC. She is my sweet little girl and I love being her mama.

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