Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can You Say Mastitis?

You have it right folks, 8 teeth. How is that possible? Annelise is dentally advanced. And what some MAY call cute little teethers, all I see when I look at them is mastitis waiting to happen.

While I was prego with Hadleigh my good friend Sara had her first baby, Ellie, and shortly afterwards ended up in the hospital with a horrible case of mastitis, cover your eyes boys...that is a breast infection. After watching that I swore I would be very diligent to not end up in the same situation...ouch! And now I have little, crazy, elf, Annelise, who now has 8 teeth and has been a chomper from the beginning. I have considered weaning altogether, but I cannot get the crazy elf to take a bottle. ugh. So I have been dealing with the chomps, until last week.

I had a horrible time sleeping last Tuesday night, and woke up on Wednesday SURE I indeed had mastitis. I packed up the girlies and ran to the doc. It seems I definitely had an infection that was threatening mastits, but not quite. Good grief! I was sent home with a prescription in the event it did take a turn for the worst, and had a phone consult with the lactition. She seemed completely horrified at my current situation, or maybe more at Annelise, and at my inability to stop her...like hello...I do not like being bitten...am trying everything here.

After another day of dilligence and much prayer all seemed to clear up. I am now following very precise instructions from the nurse...though Annelise is proving not to be a "normal" baby...she can chomp without warning.

So we continue on with the nursing...and hope that we will all make it to the blessed day of November 2 when I will have my body back for the first time in 3.5 years and Annelise will be outta luck.

1 comment:

Brea said...

I had no idea you could get mastitis from a chomper!