Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Ultimatum

Hadleigh Claire is most definitely her own little person. She is very sweet and cuddly and loving. She always gives kisses and hugs to us, but she has her own ideas about things. Things like, where she wants to go and what she wants to do. At the beginning of July, at 16 months old she took her first steps (unassisted by fingers or other stable objects). Ever since we have been trying to encourage her to walk from Dave to me, or to who/whatever...but to no avail. She LOVES holding onto things. She will walk for days holding onto my hand, but won't take more than two steps otherwise.

All of this hasn't really concerned me, it is just more of an irritation. As I continue to get bigger it is harder and harder to carry her, or get her from one place to another. Our doctor was totally unconcerned with her lack of walking, and I was grateful that he just let her be and let her get there on her own. But I have still be wondering...when in the world is this going to happen???

While we were in CA Mom and I took her to Stride Rite to get her first (non-hand-me-down) pair of shoes. I remember being little and when my brothers got a new pair of shoes they always thought they would run faster. So, I thought maybe a new pair of walking shoes, especially for Miss HC would encourage her. I was assured by the salesman that the shoe would last a good 3 months, thank goodness! And I wrote of the ridiculous cost of the shoes because I never buy her anything. She only wears Washburn and Carr clothes, along with the wonderful stash we have received from both grandmas. So a splurge purchase of good walking shoes was a reasonable expense.

The shoes seemed to help a little and she has become increasingly interested in walking while holding my hand. Finally, yesterday Hadleigh and I had a little heart to heart. I Just let her know my situation and informed her that she had 3 more months of crawling, but she had to absolutely be walking on her own by the time our little Georgia Peach comes. I cannot carry two babies!

She seemed to understand that as a big sister she is going to have certain responsibilities...namely walking so that mama can carry her little sister.

Wouldn't you know that last night, one week before her 17 month birthday she stood up on her own and took about 10 steps to me while we were in the kitchen. I was astonished. She did it several times in a row and ended the walking spurt with a long trot from the kitchen into the living room to show Dave. We have lift-off!


Brea said...

Yeah, HC! So fun! Apparently she took what you were saying to heart.

Sarah said...

I want to see pics of the new shoes!