Friday, May 12, 2006

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Hadleigh is rolling over! I started putting her on her stomach a week or so ago. I had read that it was important for her to have stomach time so that she could learn how to lift her head, etc. She is great at lifting her head and can get it up to 90 degrees, but last week she would get so frustrated because she wanted to roll over but couldn't. She would try and try, and then cry. We kept encouraging her to roll over, Dave saying things like "McNays never give up!" I had warned him not to tell me that when I was in labor.
Anyway, she has finally mastered it and can roll from stomach to back pretty easily.
I tried to get pictures of the process. You can see she was pretty upset with me. Well, as soon as she saw the camera she stopped crying. Hmmm. Can we say ham? Is it possible to be a ham at 2 months? Note the drool from her mouth. She can't stop!

Well, she saw the camera, stopped crying, rolled over and started smiling. It looks like she is a little performer already.

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