Sweet True is 9 months and this has been quite the month for him! He is sitting up pretty well, when he has a mind to do it. He is also a proficient roller/scootcher and can get almost anything. He loves to show off his skills. He is an expert at the pincher grasp and successfully feeds himself cheerios. YEA! He also loves dropping things, everything. Food, toys, you name it, he drops it. This might be his personality, or this might be a "boy" thing. I hate saying things like that. I mean, can't a girl like to drop things? EIther way, it is different than the girls. Whether that is because he is a boy, or because he is a different child I am not sure.
He is a great eater, as are all my children (we are blessed!), and devours anything that we put in front of him. Although this last week he also got really sick on something and the poor little dude was puking up broccoli and sweet potato. It was nast. I stayed up with him a good portion of the night, and it was really heart breaking to have to hold him over the toilet. How do you help a 9 month old? The poor little guy did not know what hit him. He recovered well, and I hope not to repeat that for a while.
True is full of funny faces and funny sounds. He is constantly squeaking and squealing and screaming and screeching. He is so ready to talk, and he has a lot to say. He is always looking for the girls, so as soon as he wakes up/they wake up he wants to be near them. Of course they feel the same way, which is really sweet to see.
Thank goodness we are making progress in the sleep department. He is sleeping mostly through the night. He will usually squeak around 1am. I have no idea what the story is, but that is his time. Usually he goes straight back to sleep, or sometimes he cries for a while. It all depends, but for the most part we are leaving him to work it out. His naps are becoming more reliable and life in general is getting better. It is nice to have a nice baby, but this sleep thing was really throwing us for a loop.
He is a great road-tripper, so we are taking that to the bank and this summer I am taking the kiddos up to OH to visit their great-grandparents. It is a 10 hour trip, so we will see how he does this summer, hopefully as well as he does these days.
Els and Andrew enjoyed a good toy/food drop as well. I thought all kids did that!
True is a cutie pie. I'm glad to hear sleep is better! I have a sweet picture of him that I need to send you.
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