Friday, July 07, 2006

Four Months

Miss Hadleigh turned 4 months old today and had her 4 month check up. She despised being "handled" by the doc and the nurse, but other than that did well. She showed them all of her tricks.

She is 25 inches long, still up in the 80+% for length and she was 11.5 pounds. So she remains long and skinny. In fact, she is so skinny that her pants seem to fall right off her body. She doesn't look sickly skinny, she is just long and lean.

She continues to talk to us, laugh and has started a little scream of delight. She has been able to roll from stomach to back for a while, but now has added rolling from back to stomach. She likes to sleep on her side, and now her stomach. She is strong and has good head control, can hold it up as well as lift it up to 90 degrees when on her stomach. She likes to stand up on our laps, and loves to dance to music. I call it shaking her booty. She even shakes it "loud" in honor of Susan Nichols from my Reach Out days. I never knew what "shake your booty loud" meant until Hadleigh started doing it.

She likes to be sung to sleep. Her favorites are "Soon and very soon, we're going to see the king" the old hymn redone by Red Mountain Church in AL. She also likes "He will rejoice over you, he will rejoice over you. If you could only hear his voice, you would hear the Lord rejoice. Rejoicing over you with singing." That was one of my favorite Intown songs.

Her tooth hasn't come in yet, but we continue to wait and she continues to slobber. Everytime I get her up from her nap she is lying in (what seems to be) a puddle of slobber.

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