Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Elf is 11 Months!

Annelise is 11 months old today. Amazing. She is such a little person these days.

She finally cut her eighth tooth, which she was working on for a while. Dave is concerned, of course, because she is a bit behind in the tooth department even though she got an early start, with her first tooth at 4.5 months. I keep telling him you cannot be advanced in EVERY area!

She is officially crawling, though it is not her favorite thing to do. She actually prefers to do this little one-legged scoot thing. Hilarious. And her favorite thing is to stand and cruise. This week I did a lot of cooking, and she would crawl from the playroom into the kitchen, grab onto my leg and stand up. She would stand there as long as I was standing still.

Annelise is now really attaching to Dave which is so fun to see. When Dave walks in the room she gets a huge smile on her face and immediately scoots toward him. She enjoys spending her early mornings with Dave while I get in my shower.

Of course the older she gets we see more and more of her little personality. Dave was laughing because the other day she spent a good 10 minutes trying to get the outlet cover off. Hadleigh would never do that, so it is funny to see how different they are. Annelise loves going for all the buttons, tv, computer, etc.

She is a very good natured baby (these days). She will easily go and visit other people (unless it is after church and she has been away from me for a couple hours. She gives lots of smiles and waves and claps to most anyone. She also has a fabulous giggle and laugh.

Yesterday as I was driving home Hadleigh and Annelise were making each other laugh in the back seat. Hadleigh was turning her head from side to side really quickly, and then Annelise was doing the same. They were both in hysterics, so funny.
She plays reasonably well on her own. I can put her in the playroom with several toys and she will entertain herself for a little while, but she is so happy when HC is around to play with her.
Annelise is just generally at a fun age. It is nice to have arrived, and I feel like we made it over the hump. Things continue to get easier, and I am thankful for a little break. She is sweet, hilarious, and cuddly. We look forward to knowing her more and more.


M & M said...

this blog is so encouraging! I still hold out hope that my "challenging" baby will be good natured too one day.

Christy said...

That IS such a fun age. And I love picturing Annaliese and HC making each other laugh. How delightful and heart warming!