Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Angry Elf

When Dave and I first were married we had many discussions about Christmas family traditions. One of the traditions that needed to be hammered out was which Christmas movie were we going to watch on a regular basis. Dave was voting for "A Christmas Story" which I hate (except for the part where the Dad gets the box and says "Fragile, it must be Italian"). My vote was for "Christmas in Connecticut" which is a wonderful classic. Our first married Christmas we saw the movie "Elf" in the theatre and decided it was a good compromise between the two movies and it has been our family Christmas movie ever since.

I have two fav parts, the first one being when Buddy freaks out "Santa! Santa! I know him!" and then when he realizes it isn't the real Santa he says "You sit on a throne of lies." And the second one is when Buddy comes dancing into his dad's office while they are hearing a story pitch from a little person. Buddy mistakes him for an elf and asks him if Santa knows he left the workshop, etc. In the end Buddy says "Oh, he's an angry elf."

We know have a second nickname for Annelise, besides the purple baby, we are also calling her the angry elf. Dave says he feels better about calling her the "angry elf" because it makes him laugh instead of getting angry when Annelise cries all the time.

Well...stop the presses...I just wrote that entire story to say this one angry elf is asleep in the swing. Shut it! After she sat screaming in her bouncy seat for an hour while I wrapped presents, I transferred her to the swing...and only after about 10 minutes she fell asleep. That means I am currently typing with both hands and no baby.

OK, I must run and get something else done before she becomes the angry elf again.


jessrings said...

Yes, and I would like to vouch for the fact that when not screaming, she looks like a smooth, cute and pretty GA peach. Or something. Anyway, here's to half a walk with no elf-ness!

Sarah said...

We used to call Annie the angry elf when she was a newborn. There's something about a good nickname that makes psychotic crying just a little more tolerable.

Anonymous said...

What, no 'Its a Wonderful Life'?


Christy said...

I love it when Buddy sprays the perfume in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is when he goes up the escalator for the first time. I've seen "Elf" a lot of times and that part still cracks me up!