I have been meaning to post for the past couple of weeks, but for some reason everytime I think of something to write about I never have the time. This has been a post in the making for a while. I havve been rather discouraged since arriving back in the US at how expensive food is. A few weeks ago I was making Bowtie Chicken Pasta and the recipe calls for pecans. I was horrified to find that a bag of pecans at Kroger cost $9.00. I mean, really, for a bag of pecans?
I knew that we were spoiled being in Germany. The produce was always inexpensive on the economy and we had the luxury of shopping at the commissary on post, so we were able to buy a lot of our food for super cheaper. I can't remember how much a bag of pecans in Germany cost, but I know it was less than $9.
Before we moved over to Germany I was a die-hard Publix shopper. I hated Kroger, refused to get one of their cards, and also to step foot inside one. Since being back I still have not completely reconciled my love-hate relationship with Kroger, but I do shop there weekly and I finally have one of those lame cards. In my opinion, the card doesn't save you much, it just gives them an opportunity to inflate costs for the unfortunate few who don't have a card. But anyway.
Before I left for Germany I heard about Coupon Mom and her little system, and since returning to the states, I have been committed to clipping coupons and buying sale items. It has been fun to see how much I have been saving, and now I am totally addicted. Last week Dave was home on Monday so I was able to go shopping alone and able to hit all three stores on my list. I had my lists of what to get at each store, and headed out. First I hit the Farmer's Market which is like produce heaven. All produce is about half the price of what it is at Kroger or Publix. I don't know why everyone doesn't shop there. It always makes me happy to load up on produce and pay $15.00 for a cart-full of fruits and veggies. Next I hit Publix for my main groceries, and it was so fun to pass their produce section and scoff at those shopping there. $1.39 for an avocado...ha...I paid $1.00 for 2 avocados at the FM. And now that I am so familiar with the grocery stores I can easily say $2.19 for a packet of yeast, I think I can get that cheaper at Kroger and I could! After Publix I hit Kroger for my last items, and then home. It was true that I found Kroger's yeast was $1.89 for a packet. I also noticed that the bag of coleslaw I was going to buy at Kroger was $2.79, but fortunately I had picked it up for $1.49 at the FM.
I came home in such a good mood telling Dave how much I had saved.
I am slowly getting this down to a science, and was able to hit all 3 stores with my list in hand and return home in less than 2 hours. And that even included running home for a minute to pick up something I forgot and bumping into my bud Christina at Publix. I never knew I could be a bargain shopper, but with a little planning and commitment, I am addicted.
Final disclaimer: While I do now tolerate Kroger, it is only a means to an end, I always will be a Publix girl at heart.