Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's in the Cards

Have you found yourself ever getting totally worked up about a card game? What is it that makes people lucky or unlucky? Do you know someone that can roll double sixes every time? It seems that I (Dave) have this natural gift at a certain card game that Ami and I have recently been playing. The problem (or blessing)with the game is that very little skill is involved, and luck of the draw defines the winner or loser. Simple mathematical odds would say that Ami has just as much of a chance to win as I do, but this has apparently not been the case over the last eight matches. I do have a lucky shuffle that I use which I can attribute at least fifty percent of my wins to. Ami has reached her wits end on more than one occasion, but begs me each night to play the game again because she knows that the table eventually needs to turn to favor her. The problem continues to be her defeat and subsequent feverish anxiety at the close of each match. We only play to see if the luck will change, I don't see any forseeable hope for my poor wife. We both get such a kick out of her fits of rage, me especially. I want all of you reading this to hear me say "I love Ami McNay" :^)

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