Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Baumholder in People Mag

In April of 2003 soldiers stationed in Baumholder, Germany began what they thought would be a 12 month deployment to Iraq. Obviously, when they left, many families went without having a dad/husband or mom/wife around for a long time. This wasn't a "Honey, I'll be home late from the office tonight" or "I'll see you next week" kind of thing. This was say goodbye and I hope to see you in one piece in a year kind of thing. Around 5,000 soldiers from Baumholder went to Iraq that year and they lost 29 soldiers. April 2004 was suppose to bring the soldiers home, but to the surprise of many, the soldiers were extended for 120 days. We happen to arrive in Baumholder the week this extension was announced. Great timing! I think that this was the lowest point of morale in Baumholder’s history. Eventually families recovered and were able to welcome their soldier home in July/August of last year. Now, a funny thing has happened in Baumholder, we have a lot of ladies who are expecting and lot of newborn babies…you do the math.

People Magazine came to Baumholder and did a photo shoot about 2 weeks ago. This article is suppose to run on July 4th and is suppose to be entirely about Baumholder. If there is a picture of all of the expecting mothers you will be able to see at least one of my buds, Sara Adams. The article also might quote LTC Mike Money who is a Nurse Practitioner at the Health Clinic. Mike and his family attend the chapel and are very involved. They also happen to be members of a PCA church in San Antonio, TX. Keep your eyes peeled and let me know if you find anything cool!

The picture: The fences that line the perimeter of Baumholder Post were decorated just like this last year when the soldiers came home.

1 comment:

jessrings said...

That pic was great. Did you need a copy of the mag? I have it.