Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thinking Back, Looking Forward

As I type, the little man is moving around and boxing my tummy. It's sweet, although I could sometimes do without the blows to the bladder! In any case, my time is getting near, or nearer at least. I went over with Annelise, so I'm trying to prepare myself to be prego well past my due date of July 15 (well past as in as long as they will let me go past which I suppose will depend on a lot of things, but here's hoping he'll want to come at least somewhere near July 15).

We have had some road blocks to my wonderful summer plans. The first was that I began to have some bad contractions at the beginning of June. Not death contractions, but bad enough that I was monitored and checked a few times and ultimately told to chill out, put my feet up, and take some non-contraction meds until I hit 36 weeks. So glad that is over, but that jumped in on my ideas of hitting the zoo and other fun things with the girls. The second thing that has happened is we have had August in June. I don't know what is going on, but the temps have ben pushing 100 for the last 2 weeks and that spells misery for a prego. So, inside we will continue to stay until we start getting our 80 degree June weather. This has also caused (or I don't really know what has caused this, maybe just being prego in general) a lot of swelling in my feet and hands. Ugh! My bp is still great as always, 90/60, but I can no longer wear my rings and only my fli flops fit my feet (some of the time). Swelling actually hurts! My legs just ache with the pressure from the water. Oi!

But this isn't what I wanted to write about at all, so let's get more to some thoughts I've had lately. I'm excited and a bit scared to add this baby to our fam. I'm ultimately scared to be a mom. I hate the idea of possibly having 3 children meltdown in Target. YIKES! Tell me that is not terrifying. I feel nervous about what else I will not be able to get done. I've so enjoyed some freedom this last year with cooking and cleaning and I've enjoyed it and I hate for that to be put on the back burner, though of course it will because we can always eat pb for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I'm also nervous to see what kind of baby the little man is. Annelise was a very difficult baby, and of course these days she makes up for it with her sweet and sassy personality, but really cannot understand it unless you lived through it or watched us live through it. Both my mom and Dave's mom saw her in close action...and yea...their general comment is, was hard.

One of the gals in my small group reminded me the other day about a time when she went to the grocery, overheard a baby screaming, and then overheard a couple workers talking about the baby screaming (speaking ill of my parenting, of course...if I would only just feed her, or put her to sleep...if only), and was sure they must be talking about me. So sure enough after wandering in the direction of the cries she found me and HC and Annelise trying to shop. I just cringed when I heard that story because it brought back so many memories. After so long of just staying at the house there comes a time when you must venture out with the kids...crying or not. So I would always say, here we are screaming through the grocery, screaming through the mall, screaming through the nieghborhood...and when people would make comments (which they ALWAYS did) I would correct them and say, actually she is just angry...ALL THE TIME.

So, obviously I'm nervous about this one.

At the same time, I feel really good about where we are as a fam. The girls are at such a great place. They will play together for hours on end, and it so fab...well worth having them so close together. I love hearing their little voices as they zoom their cars, or cook something in the kitchen, or play with their doll house. They are learning to share and take turns and give and take and lead and follow one another, and I LOVE that. It is SO fabulous. And they will sing while they play and it is the sweetest thing ever. I think that will be a great help to me while I deal with the baby.

They love to help me and at least at this point in time are super excited about the baby coming. They talk about reading to him and tickling his feet and singing him songs. And they also talk about him crying a LOT (because that is what babies do). SO when I think about these things I get excited about having another little one around.

It will all be an adjustment, but we'll all have to work out the transition together...just an adventure for our little fam to tackle together.


M & M said...

Boy, you know how I can relate!!!
Overdue by 2 weeks, swollen beyond recognition, a non-stop screamer for the first 4 months, and now the feelings of knowing I mentally want another child, but emotionally I am not so sure. No, I am not pregnant and it is good that God decides this because once again it is definitely out of our hands... Things have just begun to get a bit easier and more enjoyable. The thought of starting over again when what I remember was a miserable babyhood (throw in the 2 month hurricane, no power in there) is a bit overwhelming, but we are praying for another one again (have been for quite some time) and know that God brings the joy with it.

Brea said...

Y'all are ready for your third. I can already picture it! Here's hoping and praying for a serene little fella!