Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Miss Annelise Meets the Franklins

Miss Annelise and Papa Froggy

Nana Patti and Her Granddaughters

The Franklin Women
Annelise, Great Grandma Gladys, Hadleigh Claire, Ami, and Aunt Kathy

Aunt Kathy and Annelise

Great Grandma Gladys and Annelise

Aunt Kathy and Hadleigh Claire

Miss Annelise has met a lot of important people in her short life. My mom came to help and visit for two weeks, and during that time my dad was able to visit for 5 days and my Grandma Gladys and Aunt Kathy were able to fly down from NYC to visit for a weekend.


Sarah said...

Hey Ame! Your mom showed me some pics at church last night. Your girls are just SO cute. I love that Annelise has hair! It makes her look like Jill. Anyway, I miss you!

jessrings said...

Why is he called papa froggy again?

Dan Franklin said...

It's great to see those pictures. Thanks for posting them. Looks like everyone had a great time.