Sunday, January 17, 2010

News, News, News

Before I write any more, I must finally write about my most pressing news. We are having a baby. Thank goodness that is finally out there because I have had to wait a LONG time, so it feels, to write that news. We are very excited to be welcoming another McShnazzy into the world sometime during the month of July, the earlier, the better in my mind...whoever made up having to wait 42 weeks for a baby was a very sick person, and I hope that I will never have to do that again. The funny thing is we have been met with some pretty funny (in my mind) remarks/questions. Of course everyone is excited, and then maybe feels like they need to ask additional questions about the matter, such as, "was this planned?" OK, that is just a little weird to me. I mean, maybe if it is obvious that there is a reason why someone might not have wanted to get prego, like they are finishing their PhD and are due the week they are defending their disseration, or something like that. The other thing it seems to imply is that I can plan these things...and while I realize there are things I can do to prevent such things and also to try to make such things happen, I do not think I can make a baby appear inside me, no matter how hard I plan or do not plan. I am sure there are some women who can do this, but I am not one of them.

The other comment I continue to receive is about this baby coming in July, which might not be that big of a deal in other parts of the country, but for anyone who has lived through a Georgia summer, it is hot and humid and well, hard to be prego during these months. I really do not care when I have a baby, and my general response has been, if I had not wanted to be prego during the summer I should just not have sex from September-December. I's fairly simple to figure out.

The final thing we generally hear is, are you hoping for a boy? Well, that is a loaded question for me. I love my girls, and I certainly do not wish they were boys. I highly doubt that I will burst into tears at my ultrasound if they tell me I'm having another girl. I will be thrilled with another healthy baby, no matter what kind. However, if I never have the opportunity in my life to be Mama to a boy, I will be sad. I would like to have that experience, I would like to have my girls have a brother, and I would like Dave to be a Dada to a son. But, we are not "trying" for a boy, we were trying for a baby. If we were certain we wanted a boy, we would have fostered to adopt, or found some other situation where we could be fairly certain we would receive a boy.

Anyway, enough ramblings about that. The girls are thrilled to death about the baby, which is a fun experience I did not have when I was prego with Annelise. I was just happy when Hadleigh showed up to the hospital, pointed to Annelise and said, "baby!" Thank goodness she knew what that was! So this is a new experience for us as a family and a super fun one too.

I myself am usually sick and feeling foul around this time of pregnancy, and this one is no different. I have opted for medication this time around which is helping, while it is helping me keep everything down, I am still really tired, and have little energy for anything other than sitting on the couch. I have found that as long as I sit on the couch all day I feel great, but the more I get up and move around and do things, the more I feel puny. So, we are doing a lot of sitting, reading and watching movies these days. The girls have been great and understanding, and Dave, as always is incredible. He is holding down the housework/laundry, etc. And Dave's mom brought 25+ frozen homecooked meals with her when they came to visit, so we have been enjoying some wonderful food (including cheesecake cookies and cherry pie and banana bread). She is incredible and it has been a wonderful blessing to have a freezer full of food during this time.

And now I must spend some time with Hadleigh before Annelise wakes up from her nap.


Christy said...

Wow, I just want to know how Dave's mom transported 25 meals?! That really is pretty incredible.

We are all so excited for you! Another McSchnazzy ... what could be better?

M & M said...

So excited for you guys! God has provided above and beyond what you could have hoped or imagined many years ago! :)

And despite what you say,(speaking from experience) you might ought to pray for a cool summer! :) Actually, the heat wasn't too bad other than the contribution of that to my swollen ligaments at the end.