Monday, August 06, 2007


Today again, I was so thankful for our church, Intown. I think that both Dave and I still feel a little bit in awe whenever we attend worship. There are definitely things that I miss about being able to worship at the chapel in Baumholder, but to me one of the greatest blessings about being back is worshiping at Intown.

I know that I have mentioned this before, but Stuart Townend is alive! When I first heard the hymn he wrote, "How Deep the Father's Love" I just assumed that the dude must be dead. But he isn't dead, so that means more good songs to come, hopefully! Amazingly I was first introduced to his song "In Christ Alone" while we were in Germany. It is somewhat ironic because we usually sang "contemporary" songs (aka. songs from the 1980s), but somehow, I think it was Lisa Dykstra's doing that we occassionally sang this song. Thank you, Lisa!

Every night as I put Hadleigh to bed I sing her either "In Christ Alone" or "How Deep the Father's Love". She loves it, and even often times when I sing to her I feel moved to tears as I repeat the words and also pray that the Lord would stir in her heart and that she would one day understand them.

This morning we sang a new song to me, and I think that I need to quickly memorize it so I can add it to my nightly song fest with Hadleigh. I sang it to her tonight, but had to use my bulletin to remember it all. She seemed a little confused that I was singing a different song, but seemed to enjoy it anyway.

Our confession of sin this morning was piercing as well. I just love having a confession of sin and time to reflect on who I am and who God is.

Almighty and most merciful Father, we are thankful that your mercy is higher than the heavens, wider than our wanderings, deeper than all our sins. Forgive our careless attitudes toward your purposes, our refusal to relieve the suffering of others, our envy of those who have more than we have, our obsession with creating a life of constant pleasure, our indifference to the treasures of heaven, our neglect of your wise and gracious law. Help us to change our way of life so that we may desire what is good, love what you love, and do what you command, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

And the Assurance of Pardon was from Colossians 1.13 "For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us in to the kingdom of the Son He loves, in Whom we have reemption, the forgiveness of sins."

Finally, here is song we sang this morning..."The Power of the Cross"...
Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day. Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then nailed to a cross of wood.
This the pow'r of the cross. Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath. We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh to see the pain written on Your face, bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Ev'ry bitter thought, ev'ry evil deed crowning Your bloodstained brow.
This the pow'r of the cross. Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath. We stand forgiven at the cross.
Now the daylight flees, How the ground beneath quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life. "Finished!" the vict'ry cry.
This the pow'r of the cross. Christ became sin for us.
Took the blame, bore the wrath. We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh to see my name written in the wounds, for through Your suff'ring I am free.
Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live won through Your selfless love!
This the pow'r of the cross Son of God slain for us.
What a life, what a cost. We stand forgiven at the cross.

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