Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This morning our playgroup had a little dress-up party for the little ones. They were all so adorable. As you can see, Hadleigh Claire was a giraffe (one of her new fav animals). She was SO excited to put on her costume this morning, so in some ways I was glad that Fred didn't cramp her party style. Though I now have an unused infant pumpkin costume...ah well.
On another note, I have been needing to get a pedicure for weeks, but just have been too lazy to get it done. But I was thinking today that Fred might be ashamed of my toes! If only I had thought of this earlier! So, my toes are now painted (not by a professional, but I think it will do). I am not concerned about the possibility of being born on Halloween. Tomorrow is also Reformation Day (when Luther hung the 95 Theses) and not only that, it is the 490th anniversary. So, it seems like it would be a good day to be born.

Here you can see the crew: Jacob, Hadleigh, Jane, Conner, Evan and little Bea (who is just 3 weeks old).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omigoodness, she's the cutest giraffe ever!!! that a good animal to be, a giraffe.